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The Fierce Life Project

The Fierce Life Action Project

Welcome to our Fierce Life Action Project! Our intention with this project is to bring words of inspiration and affirmation to our audience. In our culture is often too easy to get wrapped up on the idea we are not enough and we have to do more to be relevant. We have to remember and give ourselves credit for what we are, and when we feel like we are not enough, we tell ourselves that we ARE enough.


"The real difficulty is to overcome how you think about yourself." – Maya Angelou


To kick off our project, we want to share with you 3 WAYS TO FIERCELY LOVE YOURSELF and to pursue your purpose and who are meant to be:


1. Tell yourself that you ARE enough.


Give yourself credit for what you are instead of discrediting yourself for what you aren’t. You’re on a path of remembered wholeness, of learning how whole you are underneath all the pieces of yourself. Repeating this affirmation helps instill a sense of love and acceptance. It'll take time and repetition to sink in, but it will.


2. Be honest with who you really are, deep down.

Pay more attention to what’s going on inside of you, and be honest with what you see. Underneath your insecurity, self-doubt, anxiety, and weakness is something else. You can learn to love yourself through the process of getting back to who you know you really are, underneath all that's not you.


3. Value the now, stay in the present.

Self-awareness is a form of self-love. So much is lost if we don’t pay attention to life as we’re living it. You can’t build a solid connection with anyone, including yourself, unless you’re fully engaged. Show up in your entirety, with mindful reverence for the life that’s being expressed right now. You’ll see how empowering this can be.


"As a performing artist, I have learned to love art, music, dance, writing, and appreciate all beauty from an early age. My desire is to inspire others believe in themselves and to help them find their voice in the world."


With love,


P.S. Never forget how valuable you are and you can be the voice of change in the world. You matter. XOXO.

#BeInspired #MoreLove #BelieveInYourself 


Be inspired with 
 our Fierce Life Action Project. 

Click here to find out more! 


My Vintage Place was created to bring classy and feminine pieces to women's wardrobes while empowering them to express their own style. The vision of our founder & CEO, Aline Giampietro Trifonov, is to bring affordable fashion to women across the world while inspiring them to feel beautiful and comfortable in their own skin.


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